Dr. Jayprakash Ray

Assistant Professor, Department of English
,Department of English
Designation-  Assistant Professor
Email - jayprakashray09@gmail.com

Name             :  Dr. Jayprakash Ray 

Qualifications M.A PhD

Designation : Assistant Professor

Department   : English

Employment location: Swahid Maniram Dewan College                           Date of joining :01-08-2005

Date of retirement   :  31-01-2040

Permanent Address                   : SMD College, Charing, Sivasagar

Address for Communication :Charing, Bogaguhain, Sivasagar, Assam 785661

Telephone: Contact No. : 7002612822

Email                  : jayprakashray09@gmail.com

Other employment if applicable: No

Date of birth:   01-02-1980                                                    Place of birth: Sivasagar

Father’s name:  Late.Punilal  Ray                                    Mother’s name: 

Race:   Assamese                      Caste: General                                Religion:       Hinduism

Nationality:  Indian                                                                          Sex: Male